Saturday, January 31, 2009

Holy Crap, is that Paulie Bleeker?!

In your mind’s eye, imagine this:

He’s standing on the corner at the bus depot at the Lakewood mall, completely oblivious to everything and everyone around him. He adjusts his backpack with a shrug of his shoulder but otherwise doesn’t move.

He’s wearing red running shorts and a light colored t-shirt under a somewhat puffy jacket. You also notice that he’s wearing the old-school type of tennis shoes with socks pulled up almost to his knees. His socks are white with red stripes at the top. He has coordinated his color scheme and accented it with… yes, you can’t believe your eyes but its true… red wrist bands and a red headband that doesn’t seem to push back his shaggy hair as much as you’d hope it would.

MySpace Codes
(He looks a heck of a lot like Paulie Bleeker from the movie Juno, only 15 years older…)

He’s at least 6’2” and sandy blonde with a short but unkempt beard that makes you think he’s roughly in his late-20’s or maybe even his early 30’s. But it’s hard to tell since you are taking in this intensely curious image within the space of less than 5 seconds.

The part that makes this image crystal clear in your mind? He’s got a copy of one of the Series of Unfortunate Events books being held an inch away from his nose with one hand, and his other hand is picking his nose in a more than aggressive fashion.

MySpace Codes
(I’m pretty sure it was this one in particular.)

Attractive, eh? I swear I saw this exact image—now burned into my brain forever—just yesterday while driving past the Lakewood Town Center bus depot. *snort* You just can’t make this stuff up!


  1. niiiice! Its the movies like Juno that make you appreciate the Paulies a lot more..but the nose picking will NEVER be appreciated in my world..not that I don't understand the need for a good nose picking from time to time but usually in involves a 3 year old.

  2. Yeah, I don't care to know whether or not a person picks their nose. Just do it in private! ew.

  3. WHAT?! Pleeease tell me you're kidding. You ARE kidding, right? I mean... dude. But at least you saw what I was referring to in the photo. Or maybe you're selectively blind? :P

  4. You're just not funny or original. And making fun of the way people look or dress? So you are 12 too. Nice......
